March 18, 2022

Flying start for Scuderia 1918 Tobago Z and Daniel Deusser!

What a great win for the Stephex Team last week at The Dutch Masters Indoor Brabant!

This week after the ecstatic moments at the The Dutch Masters – Indoor Brabant, Scuderia 1918 Tobago Z has enjoyed a pretty much normal schedule at home, preparing for his next show.

The duo practically flew through the Rolex Grand Prix course claiming the win of this season’s first Rolex Grand Slam. For this team, the sky is the limit: they’re already busy preparing to take off to Saut Hèrmes in Paris this coming weekend!

We caught Marine Renaudet, one of Daniels wonderful grooms, for a quick chat.


Congratulations on your great success! If we rewind back to the moments between the first course and the jump off, what was the atmosphere like? How did you prepare for the jump off?

Marine: I was quite stressed! The warm up went well, so I had loads of confidence in both Daniel and Tobago. As you never know what can happen, I just had to trust the cleverness and the will to win of this duo.

Between the first round and the jump off there were 10 riders, which is quite a long break. Tobago went back in the box to go to the toilet, have a drink and to relax a little before heading to the warm up ring. We had enough time to really take it easy and not to rush. He is a relaxed guy so we just tried to all match his chill mood.

And after the big win, how did you celebrate?

M: Before the win was confirmed, it was quite stressful as well because we had to wait for all the riders to finish jumping. After the results came in, I cried. But it was loads of fun! The whole team was here so the atmosphere was through the roof. Speaking to everyone and getting loads of congratulations from the grooms of other teams was all really wonderful.

What did Tobago’s celebration look like?

M: He got bananas and a fruit bowl with loads of watermelon. He is a fruit bowl guy (he loves them!) so he was quite happy with his prize.

You must be busy preparing already for the next show. What has this week been like?

Nothing special, we keep going as we normally do. Mostly Daniel and Joanna (Daniel’s flat rider) riding, and sticking to the home schedule.


Thank you Marine for giving us a little insight into Sunday’s events and your pre-event preparation! A big congratulations to Team Daniel.

Photos by: Tiffany Van Halle

Flying start for Scuderia 1918 Tobago Z and Daniel Deusser! Stephex stables

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